What does EUFSC do for Investors?
The European Security and Markets Authority (EUFSC) plays an important role in enhancing the protection of investors in the European Union (EU).
As an independent European Supervisory Authority (ESA), EUFSC:
Additionally, EUFSC cooperates closely with the other European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) – the European Banking Authority (EBA) and the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) – in:
To help you with your practical questions and problems, EUFSC’s Investor Corner contains:
Is the firm regulated?
Get ready to invest
Frauds and Scams
Publications and Investors
Product Intervention
Make a complaint
Cost of Investment Products
What EUFSC cannot do for Investors
As a publicly financed authority, EUFSC’s activities to enhance investor protection depend on its legal mandate set out in EUFSC’s founding Regulation and its limited staff and budgetary resources. Consequently, EUFSC can unfortunately not help you with the following: